279: What to Eat During Challenging Times

Our friend and go-to Real Food Dietitian, Serena Marie, RD is back on the podcast. Seeing as Serena is an RD in a hospital in NYC, it seemed fitting to hear what she is experiencing professionally and also personally. This episode is a roller coaster of emotions from frustration to anger to fear to love.


During our conversation we discussed:

  • What was good when this episode was recorded on March 20, 2020

  • Serena’s plea for people to follow the six feet of social distancing rule and what’s happening in an NYC hospital

  • Why we should focus on fruits and vegetables right now

  • What foods to eat for vitamins C, D, and zinc

  • Our favorite chocolate brands, and how dark chocolate is a good source of zinc (yay!)

  • How it’s telling right now that exercise (with social distancing) is still allowed in a lot of areas

  • The benefits of exercise and why you need it now more than ever

  • Our concern for gym owners

  • How to do “social jiu-jitsu” when it comes to staying in touch with your friends

Links Discussed:

The Joy of Movement; How exercise helps us find happiness, hope, connection, and courage

by Kelly McGonigal

Episode 244: The Why and How of Creating a Runner’s Bucket List

New York Times Article About Zoom’s Security Practices

Alter Eco Chocolate

Receive your 7 Simple Strategies for going from Functioning to Flourishing HERE

Tweet me your biggest takeaways from the episode at @KariGormley—I’d love to hear from you!


Serena Marie, RD:
Website: www.SerenaMarieRD.com
Facebook: /SerenaMarieRD
Twitter: @SerenaMarieRD
Instagram: SerenaMarieRD

Kari Gormley:
Twitter: @KariGormley
Instagram: @KariGormley

[Header photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash.]


280: Self Care Really is Health Care


278: It's OK to Feel Disappointed