280: Self Care Really is Health Care

We know that we can’t give what we don’t have, but if there was ever a time where this really resonated, then these times of the COVID Pandemic really highlight the importance!

Today’s guest is a highly sought after leadership coach and educator. Greg Hiebert graduated at the top of his classes at West Point and Harvard Business school and has worked for some of the most respected consulting firms in the world. He’s an Over Achiever, and his work is all around helping leaders take care of themselves so they can be even better leaders.

Greg is a student of positive psychology and loves to share the science of the good life.

During our conversation we discussed:

  • Why and how we have to look at capability and capacity especially during the pandemic time

  • The three experiences/challenges/abuse that made him believe he was worthless

  • How his childhood set him up to be an overachiever

  • Teaching at West Point and how he learned how to engage a class (this can be used for almost anything where you are presenting/educating to people)

  • How we’re living through what the military calls VUCA - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity

  • What Greg’s 6 P’s are and how that leads his life in which helps him lead leaders

  • Two of the most important questions you can ask yourself no matter what is going on

  • Why to have a “battle buddy” and what to do with them

  • How leading by example and reminding people of the mission can be the best way to lead

  • How in the end of the day, life really comes down to three principles

Links Discussed

You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have by Greg Hiebert

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Receive your 7 Simple Strategies for going from Functioning to Flourishing HERE

Tweet me your biggest takeaways from the episode at @KariGormley—I’d love to hear from you!


Greg Hiebert:
Email: Greg.Hiebert@LeadershipForward.com
LinkedIn: in/greghiebert
Website: LeadershipForward.com
Facebook: /greg.hiebert
Twitter: @greghiebert
Instagram: @hiebertgreg

Kari Gormley:
Twitter: @KariGormley
Instagram: @KariGormley


281: Connecting to the Present


279: What to Eat During Challenging Times