270: How Mindfulness Leads to Better Parenting

Hunter Clarke Fields, “Mindful Mama Mentor,” podcaster, and yoga teacher shares how applying meditation and mindfulness can help you become a better parent. Hunter’s catalyst to find better parenting skills happened when she found herself screaming at her then two-year-old daughter, her daughter crying because she was scared, and Hunter crying because she was scared she was going to raise her child in a house full of screaming.

During our wide-ranging conversation, we discussed:

  • How Hunter thought that she’d be able to parent mindfully because she had taken a mindfulness course before having her first daughter

  • What mindfulness is, what isn’t it, and how to apply it to parenting

  • Why having a self-care practice is the best thing you can do for a child—or anyone, for that matter

  • How the brain develops and why it’s so important for kids to learn mindfulness skills

  • Why self-compassion should be the first stop on the way to solving a problem

  • My favorite saying that puts me into a space of mindfulness

  • Hunter’s suggestion for one of my 20 for 20 Ta Da List items and how it has been going

Links Discussed

7 Steps to go From Functioning to Flourishing

Running on Mindfulness Episode 162

Special Mindful Monday Episode 103
Raising Good Humans: A Mindful Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting and Raising Kind, Confident Kids


Hunter Clarke-Fields:
Websites: HunterYoga.com, YogaStoriesProject.com
Facebook: /huntercyoga
Twitter: @HunterCYoga
YouTube: /hunteryoga

Kari Gormley:
Twitter: @KariGormley
Instagram: @KariGormley


271: Priming Your Day to Lead an Epic Life


269: What’s the Latest and Greatest in Nutrition for Athletes